You are a surviving Lord-Sorcerer from the Erret Archipelago. A territory where hundreds of islands are connected together by huge bridges. Bridges once conferred the Archipelago greatness and prosperity, and permitted flourishing trade between its islands. The Archipelago’s wealth, which would only transit through these bridges, offered every resident a life of comfort and carefreeness. But today, overpopulation, natural resources depletion, and blind cupidity from the Lord-Sorcerers have created a cataclysmic imbalance in the Erret Archipelago. Not a day goes by without the earth ripping apart and the seas engulfing the most fragile islands. The Lord-Sorcerers now fight for control of the upper and safest islands of the Archipelago. To survive in these hostile lands, you need to cross the bridges and fight other Lord-Sorcerers to claim their land.
Each player receives a “Bastion/Fort” card. Place the 2 “Bridge” cards in the play area.
Before starting a new Clash of Decks game, choose the format and game mode you wish to play.
First, select a play mode: Solo mode if you wish to play as a single player, or Duel mode if you want to play with two players. Additional play modes (Cooperative, 2v2, Free-for-all, Legacy…) will be available shortly.
Then, select a format: Preconstructed, Draft, Constructed. Note: if you play in Solo mode, you cannot choose the Constructed format.
PRECONSTRUCTED: We recommend this format for your very first plays. Each player selects one of the four preconstructed decks. If you play in Solo mode, the cards from the three remaining decks form the AI’s deck.You only need a single copy of the Starter Kit for the Preconstructed format. Below are the lists for the 4 Preconstructed decks:
DRAFT: We recommend the Draft format after you have tried each of the preconstructed decks. In this format, players choose cards from a shared deck to build their hand of 8 unique cards. Shuffle all the cards into a draw deck. Then, reveal the four topmost cards of that deck. Player A first selects a card from the 4 thus made available. Player B then selects 2 of the 3 remaining cards. Player A then takes the remaining card. Repeat this operation, but this time player B selects the first card. Repeat until each player has 8 cards. You only need a single copy of the Starter Kit for the Draft format.
CONSTRUCTED: The Constructed format is destined for experts who perfectly master the game’s mechanisms and special abilities synergies. Before starting the game, players build their own deck by selecting 10 cards from all the available cards. Player A first reveals the 10 cards from their deck, face up, and player B chooses one to remove from the deck for the duration of the game. Player B then reveals the 10 cards from their deck, and player A chooses one to remove from the deck for the duration of the game. Player A then selects a second card among the 9 remaining cards in Player B’s deck to remove for the duration of the game. Lastly, player B chooses a second card among the 9 remaining cards in player A’s deck to remove for the duration of the game. After two cards have been banished from each deck, each player owns a deck of 8 cards. Each player needs a copy of the Starter Kit for the Constructed format.
Each player shuffles their cards, constituting their hand. They then place their “Bastion” card in the leftmost place in their hand. Flip a coin to determine the starting player. For his first turn, he begins the game with only 6 Mana.
Players play their turn one after another. A turn consists of 3 phases:
Phase 1 – Mana Regeneration:
The player gains as much Mana as the number of cards in their hand (including the “Bastion/Fort” card). Mana is used to pay cards costs. The player can use it during phase 2 and 3 to play Creature cards and Incantation cards.
Phase 2 – Summoning:
The player can spend the Mana gained during phase 1 to play cards from their hand. A player can only play the 4 leftmost cards in their hand (ignoring the “Bastion/Fort” card).
A card’s Mana cost is indicated in their upper left corner. Mana that isn’t spent during a turn is lost. A player cannot spend more Mana than they gained during their previous phase 1.
The play area consists of two lanes. When playing a card, the player chooses in which lane to place it.
Players only summon creatures in their respective Realm: player A places their card on the left of the “Bridge” cards and player B places their cards on the right of the “Bridge” cards. There is no limit to the number of cards in a lane. A summoned creature is placed from the player’s hand in the play area, face up, in the lane of their choice, behind their other creatures already in play. The card remains in play as long as it isn’t destroyed.
Phase 3 – Assault:
A creature has Health Points and an Attack Value.
A creature cannot attack the turn it enters play. Each creature a player controls inflicts their Attack value to an opposing creature. Attacking creatures automatically activate in a predetermined order: first the upper lane, from the creature further away from to the creature closest to the “Bridge”; then, the lower lane, from the creature further away from to the creature closest to the “Bridge”.
When a creature suffers at least as much cumulative damage as its Health Points value, the creature is destroyed. It suffers the entirety of the damage caused by the attack and the card returns to its owner’s hand, in the rightmost place.
Then, move all the creatures on the lane closer to the “Bridge” so they fill the gap. Creatures attacked don’t retaliate, and those that were not destroyed regenerate all of their Health Points at the end of the turn.
During an assault, a creature inflitcts its Attack value to the closest opposing creature on the same lane. If no opposing creature can be attacked, the creature then inflicts its damage directly to the opponent’s “Bastion/Fort”.
When a “Bastion/Fort” suffers damage, shift it that many places to the right in the player’s hand.
When a “Bastion” reaches the rightmost place in a player hand, it is destroyed: rotate it to its “Fort” side and return it to the leftmost place in the player’s hand. Excess damage inflicted to the “Bastion” does not carry over to the “Fort”. When a “Fort” card reaches the rightmost place in a player’s hand, that player loses the game.
End of the game
The game ends as soon as a “Fort” card reaches the rightmost place in a player’s hand. Their opponent then wins the game.
Types of cards
Creatures are put into play and remain there until they are destroyed.
An Incantation card can be played during one’s turn, in the Summoning phase and during the Assault phase. An Incantation can target any creature. An Incantation’s effect applies immediately after the card is played. Then place the Incantation card to the rightmost place in its owner’s hand.
List of special abilities
These icons represent the special abilities of some creatures. These special abilities should only be considered when the creature is in play.
Splash : Inflicts its damage to both the targeted creature AND the creature in the same place in the adjacent lane.

Perforation : Inflicts its damage to both the targeted creature AND the creature behind it in the same lane (not to the Bastion/Fort).

Rage : Can attack opposing creatures (not the Bastion/Fort) the turn it enters play.

Protection : Reduces to 0 the first source of damage targeting this creature each turn.

Indestructible : Does not suffer effects or damage from Incantation cards.

Berserk : Each time this creature attacks and destroys an opposing creature, it attacks again.

Sprint : Each time this creature attacks, move it until it is the closest creature to the Bridge. For this attack, it inflicts +x damage, where x is equal to the number of creatures it moved over.

Aura : Aura is always associated with another special ability. Adjacent creatures on the same row benefit from this associated special ability. The creature that has the aura does not itself benefit from this associated special ability.

Solo mode – Quick play
The Solo Mode allows you to play Clash of Decks alone, through a Quick play or a Custom play. Apply all the rules of the base game. If the rules of the base game and the rules of the solo mode contradict each other, always apply the rules of the solo mode. AI refers to the Artificial Intelligence you will face in this mode.
You receive a “Bastion/Fort” card. Place the 2 “Bridge” cards in the play area.
Shuffle 32 cards into a draw pile.
Then, reveal the top 4 cards of this draw pile. Pick a card among the 4 available ones. The AI gains the 3 remaining cards. Repeat the operation until you have 8 cards and the AI has 24 cards.
Shuffle your 8 cards and place your “Bastion” card in the leftmost place in your hand.
Shuffle the AI’s 24 cards into a facedown deck. Place a “Bastion” card at the very bottom of this deck. You start the game. For your first turn, you only gain 6 Mana.
Your turn plays strictly the same as in the rules of the base game. When your turn is over, the AI plays its turn:
Phase 1: Mana Regeneration
The AI gets a fixed amount of Mana and a varying amount of Mana. For Quick play, the fixed amount is 6 and the variable amount is +1 Mana for each creature you have in play.
Phase 2: Summoning
Reveal the top card of the AI deck and place in the AI Realm, in the upper lane, behind creatures already in play.
If the total value of the cards summoned this turn does not equal or exceed the AI’s total mana amount, reveal the next card of the AI deck. Then place it in the AI Realm, in the lower lane, behind creatures already in play.
Keep summoning cards, alternating between upper and lower lane, until the value of the cards summoned by the AI equals or exceeds their available Mana.
If the AI reveals an Incantation card, the card systematically targets the creature closest to the “Bridge” in the lane. If there is no target, the Incantation card has no effect and is discarded into the AI discard pile. The AI does not spend Mana on an Incantation card that has no target. The AI discard pile is located next to its deck and is composed of its destroyed creatures and its used Incantations.
Phase 3 : Assault
When an AI creature is destroyed or when an Incantation is played, put the card into the AI discard pile. When the AI suffers an attack from one of your creatures, put as many cards from the top of their deck as the damage inflicted and place these cards, face up, in its discard pile.
When the AI deck is empty and its “Bastion” card is visible, rotate it on its “Fort” side. Then, shuffle all the cards from the AI discard pile into a new deck and place it on top of its “Fort” card.
End of the game and victory conditions:
The game ends when one of these two situations occurs. If your “Fort” card reaches the rightmost place in your hand, the AI immediately wins the game. You lose.
If the AI deck is empty and its “Fort” card is visible, the AI plays one last turn. If you survive that last turn, you win the game.
Solo mode – Custom play
Fine-tune the AI difficulty level and try to reach level 5! Before playing Custom Games, we recommend you practice with a few Quick games to learn and discover the rules and the peculiarities of Clash of Decks’s solo mode.
1 / After drafting, select a difficulty level:
Easy: 1 difficulty points
Medium: 2 difficulty points
Hard: 3 difficulty points
Heroic: 4 difficulty points
Mythic: 5 difficulty points
2 / Then, customise the AI according to the chosen difficulty level:
Determine the varying amount of Mana during the AI’s Mana Regenaration phase:
+1 Mana for each creature you have in play (+0 difficulty point).
+2 Mana for each creature you have in play (+2 difficulty point).
Determine the fixed amount of Mana during the AI’s Mana Regenaration phase:
6 (+0 difficulty point)
7 (+1 difficulty point)
8 (+2 difficulty point)
9 (+3 difficulty point)
10 (+4 difficulty point)
Determine the first player:
The player (+0 difficulty point)
The AI (+1 difficulty point)
Determine the AI’s resilience:
With no “Bastion“, the AI begins the game directly with the “Fort” (-1 difficulty point)
With a “Bastion” (+0 difficulty point)
Determine the AI’s resistance:
Your attacks on the AI deck inflict as much damage as the attack value of your creatures (+0 difficulty point)
Your attacks on the AI deck are reduced by to 1 damage (+2 difficulty points)
Determine a unique special ability gained by all the AI creatures:
None (+0 difficulty point)
Splash (+1 difficulty point)
Perforation (+1 difficulty point)
Rage (+1 difficulty point)
Protection (+1 difficulty point)
Berserk (+1 difficulty point)
3 / Now play!
Have rules questions or suggestions? Contact us at
FAQ – General
Can I play Clash of Decks with a single Starter Kit? You only need a single copy of the Starter Kit to play the solo mode or the duel mode (Draft format). To play the duel mode (Constructed format), each player must have a copy of the Starter Kit.
If a creature that was closer to the bridge was destroyed, must I move the remaining creatures closer to the bridge or should they remain where they are until end of turn? When a creature is destroyed (and thus sent back to the rightmost place in its owner’s hand), all other creatures must immediately be moved toward the bridge so as to fill up the space.
Is it possible to summon no creature during one’s Summoning phase? Yes, it is possible not to summon anything, either by choice or lack of Mana.
Can I play all the cards in my hand (with the exception of the Bastion/Fort card)? No, you must keep at least one. If the only card remaining in your hand is the Bastion/Fort card, it becomes the rightmost card in your hand and you therefore lose the game.
Considering I can only play the 4 leftmost cards in my hand (not accounting for the Bastion/Fort card), are these the same 4 cards for the whole Summoning phase, or does playing a card immediately give me access to the next card? During their Summoning phase, when player puts a card into play from their hand, their 5th leftmost card immediately becomes their 4th leftmost card. They can now play this card during this very Summoning phase or a future Summoning phase.
Can cards entering play be placed between cards already in play in the same lane? No, when a card enters play in a lane it must be placed behind the card furthest away from the bridge.
If an attack deals damage in excess of a creature’s Health points, is excess damage dealt to the next creature on the same lane or to the Bastion/Fort? No, excess damage is lost. It is therefore possible to tank a high-value attack with a creature that only has a few Health points.
When I play the cards on the left of my Bastion/Fort, it automatically move to the left. Then, when destroyed creatures are returned to hand, they return to the right. So this system acts as healing? Absolutely!
The more creatures I have in play, the less Health points and Mana I have? Exactly, this system lets the balance of power between players continually readjust.
If an attack deals damage to the Bastion in excess of its remaining Health points, is excess damage dealt to the Fort? No, excess damage dealt to the Bastion does not carry over to the Fort.
When can an Incantation card be played? Incantations can be played at anytime during the Summoning and the Assault phase. A target creature must usually be designated when a Incantation is played. The Incantation card must be revealed when played, and is returned to the rightmost place of its owner’s hand as soon as its effect is resolved.
Can an Incantation card be played more than once in a single turn? If you have 5 or less cards in hand (including the Bastion/Fort), it is possible to play an Incantation cards more than once during a turn (while available Mana lasts).
Do Incantations follow the same rule as creatures, which only do damage the turn after they are played? No, Incantations effects apply immediately.
Are special abilities mandatory? Yes, special abilities automatically and systematically apply. If they can apply, they must.
When several creatures are destroyed at the same time with Splash or Perforation, in which order are they returned to their owner’s hand? The owner of those cards decide the order in which they are returned to their hand’s rightmost place.
FAQ – Special abilities
If a creature with the Perforation or Splash special ability attacks a creature with the Protection special ability, does the Perforation or Splash trigger? Yes, it does. Only the damage dealt directly to the creature with the special ability Protection is absorbed.
A creature suffers from an attack from an opposing creature with the Perforation special ability. If there is no creature behind the attacked one, does Perforation deal damage to the Bastion/Fort? No, the Perforation special ability only deals damage to creatures (never to the Bastion/Fort).
If a creature has both the Splash AND Perforation special abilities, does Perforation also activate on the creature behind the one that suffered the Splash? No, Perforation only deals damage to the creature behind the creature targeted by the attack, in the same lane.
If there is no creature in a lane and my creature attacks the Bastion/Fort, does Splash or Perforation activate? No, the Splash and Perforation special abilities only activate on creatures, never on the Bastion/Fort.
Does the Rage special ability allow a creature to attack the Bastion/Fort the turn it enters play? No, the Rage special ability only lets creatures attack opposing creatures (never the Bastion/Fort) the turn it enters play.
Can a creature with the Indestructible special ability be targeted by an Incantation? Yes. Even if it will suffer no damage or effect, a creature with the Indestructible special ability can still be the target of an Incantation card.
If a creature with the Sprint special ability is not the closest creature to the bridge, does it perform two attacks a turn: one with the limp, then a second one when it becomes its turn again in the lane? No, a creature with the Sprint special ability only attacks once a turn.
When does the attack bonus granted by the Sprint special ability vanish? The attack bonus granted by the Sprint special ability stays active until the end of the Assault phase.
When a creature with the Berserk special ability destroys a creature and there are no opposing creatures in its lane, does it attack the Bastion/Fort? Yes, when a creature with the Berserk special ability destroys the last opposing creature of a lane, it can attack again and will therefore target the Bastion/Fort (unless the creature entered play this turn and was allowed to attack thanks to the Rage special ability).
Can a creature with the Berserk special ability attack again when it destroys the Bastion ? No, the Berserk special ability only triggers when a creature is destroyed. The Bastion is not a creature.
Until when does an adjacent creature benefit from the special ability granted by an Aura? The adjacent creature benefits as long as the creature with Aura is in play. As soon as that creature moves or leaves play (and returns to its owner’s hand), the adjacent creature loses the effect granted by the Aura.
Does the creature with the Aura special ability benefit from that special ability itself? No, the creature itself does not have the special ability. Only the two potential adjacent creatures do.
Translation : Albin Chevrel
Seems interesting. Where could we acquire this game?
During the new Kickstarter campaign which will take place from November 9, 2021. Otherwise, in 2022, in the online store that we are going to set up on this site. And possibly in game stores in 2022, we are currently discussing with distributors.
Awesome. I wish you the best of luck with the Kickstarter!
Is there going to be a more standard printer friendly rulebook as well?
We are going to replace the GIFs with MP4s in order to be able to generate a PDF (button at the bottom of the page) with a more harmonious layout of the rules and to have a faster page to download, but there will be only the text and the visual special abilities. Work in progress.
Hi, just a suggestion, but could you list the preconstructed decks in alphabetical order above please? It would make sorting the precon decks a little easier.
Many thanks
Just received it today and my son and I tried it out. Took a little bit to understand but we’re enjoying it now. I noticed at least with the constructed decks when using deck 1 against deck 2, we never actually got to the point of reaching the bastion. Instead we kept hammering each other back and forth. After a while we just had to stop. Perhaps it just happened to be because of the shuffle. We’ll find out next time.
One other question. When you shift the bastion, between cards and are selecting from the leftmost four, does that mean ignoring the bastion and choosing cards on either side if it’s among the four?
Yes, you must ignore the Bastion / Fort card, this card is not counted in the 4 leftmost cards of your hand that you can play. For example, if the Bastion / Fort card is among the 4 leftmost cards in your hand, you can actually play up to the 5th leftmost card in your hand.
If you both play a defensive strategy trying to destroy opposing creatures each turn, you are not focusing on the goal of victory. Remember that the victory goes to whoever destroys his opponent’s Bastion / Fort. Try a different strategy: focus on how to deal damage to your opponent’s Stronghold / Fort card, not how to destroy all of their creatures. You should get different results.
Does Aura come into effect as soon as the card with it is summoned? Meaning if a card with an aura that gives sprint is played and then a creature with rage is played next to it does that creature with rage attack using the sprint ability?
Yes, absolutely!
In solo mode, do you discard the total damage dealt from the AI deck, or just the excess left over? For example, I attack the AI’s revenant with my Alpha.
Alpha’s 4 damage beats Revenant’s 3 health.
Revenant goes to the discard pile.
Do I discard 4 cards from the AI deck, or 1?
If I understand the rules correctly, you wouldn’t remove any of the AI cards. The Alpha defeats the Revenant. Any left over damage is ignored. If the Revenant was the last creature on defense, any attacks after the Alpha would damage the AI.
I confirm what Daniel has just answered.
Ah! Thank you! I misread :
“When the AI suffers an attack from one of your creatures”. I took that to mean that the AI meant the AI’s creatures, rather than the AI’s (undefended) deck.
Thanks for clarifying.
Just got the game and this page is not great for a solo player. I have to jump around the page to see what to do since I have never played it multiplayer.
You must first read the main rule before reading the solo modes.
When the vortex card is active, the cards that are adjacent move. Do the new cards that become adjacent now have the sprint ability?
Yes, absolutely!
Doesn’t that mean that if you have a line of four creatures and you put a vortex behind them that you can cycle all the creatures, leap frogging to the front to attack at +3, then the next one leaps to the front to attack at +3 and then the next one at +3 then the next one at +3? Is that the way to play the vortex? Seems overpowered.
Indded !
First off, love the game and am already looking forward to the expansion Kickstarter.
The wording on Protection is different between this rules page and the reference card on the back of the bridge. Does protection reduce damage for an incantation to 0? The reference card says it reduces damage from an attack, but I assumed that meant from a creature during the assault phase.
We recently corrected the wording of the Protection special ability on the online rule. I therefore confirm that Protection reduces the first source of damage from a creature or incantation to 0.
First of all : Genius. Really love the solo mode.
Now, if the AI empty is deck on his turn, revealing the fort, does he have one more turn after the turn he is currently playing or it is considered his last turn?
There is an additional turn:
“If the AI deck is empty and its “Fort” card is visible, the AI plays one last turn. If you survive that last turn, you win the game.”
A creature that have protection aura ability and give it to another creature with protection, does that creature benefits from 2 protections?
A Creature cannot have the same special abilities twice. Either you have it or you don’t have it, but you don’t have it twice.
With Parasite, if it attacks the first and only creature of his lane, but destroys the creature of the other lane with splash, does it attack again the first creature of his lane (because of berserk) or he would jump to the bastion?
If it does attack the bastion instead of the first creature in his lane that he already attacked, i guess splash wont attack anything else?
The target of an attack is always the opposing creature closest to the bridge. You only attack the opponent’s Bastion / Hold if there are no more enemy creatures on the line.
Splash and Perforation ONLY activate on creatures, not on Bastion / Fort.
But the question is manly for berserk. If i killed a creature, but with splash (so not on my lane), does berderk activates and i attack again the same creature of my la e that i havent killed yet?
The text for the ability is, “Each time this creature attacks and destroys an opposing creature, it attacks again.” so according to this rule the answer is…
Yes, that creature would have killed a creature during his attack and thus, would trigger his Berserk ability and get another attack doing additional damage to the target creature that was first attacked. But not only that, he’d also do splash damage to the newly advanced adjacent creature that moved forward after you killed the previous one in the adjacent lane.
Same thing would go for the pierce ability if mixed with berserk.
It’s a powerful combo if the card has those abilities together.
Additionally, this would also mean that if you keep killing creatures around the target you can get three or four attacks, over and over again, as long as at least one creature dies in each attack. Brutal!
I confirm what Scott just said, there can be chain effects with Berserk, Splash and Perforation. Here is an example with the Parasite at 35 minutes and 30 seconds:
In solo mode, if i dealt 3 damages to the AI bastion, make him discard 2 cards to reveal his bastion, so I shuffle his deck, turn the bastion to fort side, and discard the remaing 1 card from the last damage? Or the left over damage is ignored like in 1vs1?
The Bastion and the Fort are two different targets. During an attack, excess damage inflicted on the Bastion is not passed on to the Fort.
In solo mode, after revealing the Fort of the AI, the AI still plays one turn. Do you shuffle back his deck again so he has cards to play or he just use what he already has in play?
No new deck, AI only benefits creatures that are already in play.
If the fort is revealed during AI turn, will they finish that turn and then it’s game over? Or will I the player have an extra turn and then AI gets another final turn?
The player and then the AI will still have one last turn.
Thanks for the VERY QUICK response!!
When you play solo, if the AI reveals the bastion card but still has mana, does he shuffle his deck right away then continue his turn has normal?
If yes so something like this : When the AI deck is empty and its “Bastion” card is visible, rotate it on its “Fort” side. Then, shuffle all the cards from the AI discard pile into a new deck and place it on top of its “Fort” card. *** Then continue the turn as normal. ***
Must be bad luck against the AI but I always seem to draft a high mana cost on its last draw when it only has a single mana left…-_-
Much bad luck can happen, I can only suggest one solution… Get revenge with another game!
Damn Martyr thwarted me last time. Played with pre-constructed deck 4 since I’m unfamiliar with the all the cards and strategy to constructing a good deck, and could not figure out a way to kill it. It’s protection/strong defense was not able to be overcome by the high mana cost/low attack values of the cards in deck 4. Felt a bit unbalanced, but haven’t had enough time with the game to really make that judgment. Fun so far though!
Sorry if I missed it in the rulebooks.
is damage taken by a creature preserved the next turn, or the creature reverts to its maximum the next turn ?
“Creatures attacked don’t attack, and those that were not destroyed regenerate all of their Health Points at the end of the turn.”
out of curiosity, does solo mode work well with pre-made decks?
Yes, it’s playable but you should know that the preconstruct decks have been designed to discover the game and how it works. Once you understand the intricacies of the game, the attack sequences and master the interactions between special abilities, we recommend that you play in Draft format in solo mode.
Just learn this game on BGA.
Can’t wait to back the season 2 ks.
Do the AI’s creatures have their printed special abilities?
Sorry, but I didn’t understand the question. Could you rephrase it?
I think the Indestructible ability could benefit from a different name (which is thankfully somewhat feasible, since the word isn’t on the cards). The word Indestructible makes it sound like it can’t be destroyed (or maybe even damaged) at all. I guess you probably can’t use the word hexproof (MtG probably has a trademark or something), but a word like that would make more sense. Maybe “spell shield”, “counter-magic”, “nullify”?
For the 8 special abilities of the Starter Kit, we had a strong constraint for the choice of names in order to obtain a unique version. Indeed, we have chosen names of creatures, incantations and special abilities which are identical in French and in English (which mean the same and which are spelled the same). This is the reason why we had to adapt as well as possible with the compatible words between the two languages.
Interesting. That does sound tricky to pull off.
The draft mode sometime suck, if all the cards are low cost, the game can never end, suggest allow to pick from more cards
just played a game in BGA and last for 40mins until my opponent give up
When games last this long, it’s not because of the draft or the low-cost cards, it’s the way of playing that causes it.
When the game drags on, it is often that both players focus their efforts on the opposing creatures and not on destroying the Bastion / Hold. Be aggressive, not defensive. If you see a loop, don’t repeat it, you have to try a different and effective strategy. Playing defensively is counterproductive since it is beneficial for the opponent who recovers Mana and HP when these creatures are destroyed. Defense is not an optimal strategy (although it depends on your deck). Keep in mind that your goal is not to systematically kill enemy creatures (sometimes a bad choice, by the way), but to destroy the opposing Fort. You have to keep that in mind, it’s your only goal.
The basic strategy used by new players is to defend all of the opponent’s attacks until he takes control of both lines: these are usually long and repetitive games. Clash of Decks is a game where you have to accept taking damage to attack even harder on the other line, it’s a damage race. For example, if the opponent places a difficult creature to manage on one line, it is better to attack directly on the other line to force him to react and thus prevent him from building his assault on the first line. You have to force your opponent to react. Of course, it may be relevant to defend by sacrificing a few small creatures to save time in order to attack on the other line.
The experienced player is opportunistic and more aggressive, his goal is to destroy the opposing Fort. On BGA, I am TOP 3 (not much time to play and recover the TOP 1 at the moment). The statistics are very interesting and illustrate this difference quite well with experienced players and others! On average, I play 5.86 turns per game and play less than 11 cards per game. And the average player, a game lasts 7.24 turns and a little over 14 cards are played.
“The only real FREE-TO-PLAY Card Game!”
But we stil have to pay for it..?
The Starter Kit is offered for free during Kickstarter campaigns and conventions. In addition, the Starter Kit is also available for free in Print and Play. Finally, you can create your own cards for free through the online card generator.
Great game!
One question about the Solo mode: Do ALL the incantations (both mine and AI’s) must go in the AI discard pile after playing them?
Those from the AI go to the AI discard pile. Yours go to the right end of your hand.
In solo custom play, if the Al is the first player, how many mana points I have in my first turn? 9 as for duel rules or 6 as in solo quick play?
In solo custom play, if I determine a unique special ability gained by all the AI creatures (+1 difficulty), is this ability in addition to those the creatures already have?
In solo, if the AI reveals the Bastion card but still has mana, does he turn it to Fort, shuffles his deck then continues to draw cards or he ends his turn?
If the AI in its turn (summoning phase) finishes the AI deck (fort is visible), does the AI plays this turn + an extra one? Or only this one?.
My rationale is: the rules say that the AI has to play an extra turn once fort card is visible and, as it is currently in the middle of one of the AI’s turns (summoning phase) I think it should play an extra turn. (i.e AI finishes the current turn, the player plays his turn and the artificial intelligence plays its last turn)
Thank you again for your kind feedback
I confirm your reasoning on your question about the extra turn of the AI. To complete the information, for this final turn, the AI does not do phase 1 and 2, go directly to phase 3 (assault).
Hei, have you thought of having optional 2 player mode, with a ‘living hand’. Where each time a card is removed from play, that instead of returning it to the right hand end of your hand it is discarded to a discard pile and a new card is drawn from the deck to be placed to the right hand end of hand where the card would have been placed.
Meaning your complete hand size. (those in play and those in hand combined) always adds up to 8 cards (9 with fort/bastion) but the player hands are constantly changing. And by shuffling the discard pile when the deck runs out all cards could be cycled through randomly any number of times in one game.
Am I correct in thinking that if a creature can assault that it automatically does so and that you can’t choose not to activate it’s assault this turn, for example if you summon a mutant then it will automatically sprint in with it’s rage assault on the turn you played it assault the first creature in the other players line. And that you would not be allowed to leave it in it’s place in the line for a better defense order on the other players turn.
Does protection activate for an incantation if it is the first attack against a creature.
If a creature has berserk and splash would the creature in the other line get extra damage each time a creature is destroyed from the line of attack.
And the same Question for pierce?
Example would this be correct:
The parasite attacks assassin dealing one damage and destroying it, it’s pierce does 1 damage to the disciple next in line and splash 1 damage to reptile below.
Then with berserk, next attack does 1 more damage to disciple destroying it, as this is 2nd damage and does 1 damage with pierce to grr behind it and a second damage with splash to reptile below.
Now as disciple was destroyed with berserk, parasite now attacks grr doing second damage and with splash does the third damage to the reptile below destroying it.
Allowing it to use berserk to attack grr again and do the third damage etc…
In solo mode does the AI have the option of not summoning creatures, same as the solo player does? Otherwise the AI will always have to summon creatures and have less chances to attack? Because the AI cannot use a creature to assault until the turn after it is played. And there will always mostly be another card played behind that card in the AI’s next turn. So it is a bit unbalanced and favours the solo player?
Hi Leandre,
Thanks for your reply.
Another question – is it true that the AI cannot attack with any cards that have just been summoned, except for cards with the Rage ability?
Can you choose not to attack with individual creatures? Seems like that could add another layer of strategy, maybe by keeping a creature with Sprint where it is for the following turn when its attack bonus would be more advantageous, or in order to keep a weak creature up front as a sacrifice for more “health.”
Some questions:
1) if a creature with Perforation attacks a creature with Protection with behind another creature, the Perforetion effect is blocked from the Protection or hit the following creature despite the first one is Protected (or similarly for Splash)?
2) do creatures with zero Attack consume the effect of Protection? I.e., do they Attack with power zero or they don’t Attack at all?
3) if I use an incantation with Splash on the third creature of the enemy queue of the top bridge but in the bottom bridge the enemy has only one creature, the Splash hits even the creature in front of the bottom brigde? Or, as it is in first “slot” versus the third one of the attacked creature, it is not affected from Splash?
Please update this with the Season 2 rules. There are new abilities.
I was curious about the “Champion” card category in the Card Generator and none of the rules here mention about this, is it treated like Creature in gameplay-wise or it has special, unmentioned rule I did not know of?