Card Generator
We have designed an online custom card generator that can be accessed for free and without registration.
This tool lets YOU create YOUR own cards for Clash of Decks!
You can create as many creature, Incantation or Champion cards as you wish, to play for free, as a Print and Play.

What can I customize on a card?
Its name: in the language of your choice, Its artwork: from our online artwork database or with a picture of your choice uploaded from your computer, Its Attack value (from 1 to 9), Its Health Points value (from 1 to 9), Its number of Special Abilities (from 0 to 5).

The Mana cost (from 1 to 9) of cards created through the online custom card generator is automatically calculated according to the characteristics you have chosen for the cards. Cards created with the custom card generator are therefore all balanced and playable in all formats (preconstructed, draft, constructed), all play modes (solo and duel) and all sanctioned tournaments organized by Grammes Edition.
Print on Demand service for Champion cards
We are happy to announce that, rather than printing your Champion cards yourself as Print and Play, we offer a Print on Demand service, on 0.5 mm-thick PVC cards. We have invested in a professional Evolis Primacy printer to print your custom Champion cards ourselves, in high definition and on premium materials.